Study Overseas Scholarships are of great help to many students aspiring higher study in abroad. Such scholarships make Glion Overseas affordable and can make dreams of many students come true.
Government in many countries wants to give opportunity to such students that cannot afford higher education in abroad therefore they offer scholarships for them.
1. Merit-Based scholarships: These scholarships are offered by the renowned Universities on the basis of Merit in academic, artistic and athletic skills.
2. Need-Based: Main criteria for need-based scholarships is the financial status of the student, though academic profiles are also taken into account but primary factor in consideration of eligibility for scholarship is financial status. This is mainly offered to less fortunate students who find to difficult to afford higher studies in abroad but are scholar in academics. These study overseas scholarships may provide coverage ranging from full tuition fees to partial tuition fees, living costs or even the cost of books at times.
3. Student-Specific: These study overseas scholarships are largely offered to students on the basis of race, gender, religion or even medical issues. These are minority based scholarships as they strictly aim to provide support to minority groups that might be disadvantaged at some level and by means of these scholarships are offered chances to stand with others on the same ground.
4. Career-Specific: These are scholarships given to students pursuing course in specific skills which are in the skill shortage list of University. In order to promote those skills, Universities grant these scholarships.
5. College-Specific: Many institutions have certain core competencies that form the foundation for their research, education delivery and reputation. In order to excel their ideologies and knowledge systems these universities introduce study abroad scholarships that are unique to their prestige. These scholarship opportunities are given by considering various factors which include academic achievements, personal achievements, extra-curricular activities, overall profiles, etc. This is often awarded in the terms of reduced tuition fees.
Glion Overseas Consultants reviews your academics and match you to the right overseas study scholarship. You can contact Glion Overseas now for getting the right scholarship based on your academic or other merits and talents. Contact us to know more.